Mamink Daeng Tata is a name of special booth provide typical food of makassar city-south sulawesi, its situation reside in Soepono-Arteri Permata Hijau street No.25 more or less apart 10 metre from ITC Permata Hijau, If seen from its interior of this restaurant seen not be modern so or maybe seem naturally because they made the wall from bamboo matting and the floor is made from wood. Pledge menu which at most enthused is Tata'S Rib Rp.28 Thousand rupiah / U$$ 3, Sop Konro Rp.24 Thousand rupiah / US$ 2,05, Coto Makassar Rp.12 Thousand rupiah/ US$1.03 besides also there is pledge beverage that is Ice Palubutung at the price of Rp.13 Thousand rupiah / US$ 1,04, from outside this place sound simple but don't be wrong, the farm of park so wide and can accomodate 10 car and is prima facie from this place the atmosphere remind we an aroma in makassar area. People say State functionary like Jusuf kalla have eaten in this place and quite a few selebritis which eat in place. So what do you waiting for pampering your tongue with this new taste that you never know before.
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