Are You is soto taster, It doesn't complete if you not yet tried chicken soto with milk gravy with format is name of banjar soto " Nyaman" Crispy Soto with milk gravy mixture scattered include with potato rissole slice and egg cutting braise felt to tickle to penetrate tip of most tongue so sensitive, but don't be apprehensive also because this banjar soto there is not only have milk gravy as well as its transparent gravy to anticipate thems which is diet and little dislike with milk and to less taking a fancy to you of soto don't doubt cookery there is still be other which you can taste like rawon rice and etc. Stand up in Pangeran Antasari No.60 Cilandak West street, this Jakarta South Shop is true nearby place eat other and impress still modestly but not fail in feeling. This Soto price is so goodly only Rp.13.000,(US$1,04) this price and portion likely good match for likely tickling hence from that you please try fair to middling cause it many seleb and also government functionary which dating simply tasting and or with their family.
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